Thank you for using BrandBee. Similarweb, Ltd. takes great consideration of our users' privacy, therefore we wish to provide you with all the required information and tools that will allow you to control your data and assist you when exercising your rights. As part of BrandBee functions we may collect and share/sell your browsing data and Personal Information when you choose to participate in our exclusive research study or in one of the metered panels, as further explained in our Privacy Policy. Please see the instructions below on how you can exercise your rights and control your privacy preferences. PLEASE NOTE THAT DISABLING CERTAIN PERMISSIONS MAY CAUSE SOME FEATURES OF THE APP TO BECOME UNAVAILABLE OR MAY REDUCE THE REWARDS YOU WIN

Sale or Share of Browsing Data
You can stop the ‘sharing’/’sale’ of your personal information, as defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act,  by turning off the automated collection of your browsing data by turning off the Accessibility Permission in the settings go to “settings” – “BrandBee” – “permission” 

or submit a request to stop the ‘sharing’/’sale’ of your personal information through the following link 
Delete My Account
If you wish to delete your account including all data associated with such account you may do so by clicking Requesting to Delete Account from the application setting or submitting a request to delete the account through the following link
Other Rights
Depending on your jurisdiction, data protection and privacy laws may provide you with the ability to exercise certain rights with respect to your Personal Data. For more information please see our Privacy policyIf you wish to exercise your rights please fill the Data Subject Form and send it in accordance with the instruction detailed therein