Privacy Policy

Last Amended: September 19, 2024

1. General

This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") explains the way Similarweb Ltd. (“Similarweb,” “we,” “usorour”) processes, uses, transfers and shares the information of those individuals who:

(i) Access and use our website for BrandBee available at: (“Visitor(s)” and “Website”, respectively); and
(ii) Access, install, use, or interact with our BrandBee market research panel mobile application available on Google Play and the App Store ("Mobile App") and our market research panel web application available on our Website (“User(s)” and “BrandBee” or “Web App” respectively). The Web App and the Mobile App shall be referred to herein as the "App(s)".

The services enabled through the Apps may include, without limitation, the offer to participate as panelists in research market panels, respond to a demographic survey (“Demographic Survey”), and respond to programmatic surveys ("Programmatic Surveys"), market research surveys (“Market Research Survey(s)”), provided by our third-party partners (“Partners”) through the Mobile Apps and the collection, accumulation and redemption of virtual earnings for such participation (“BrandBee Earnings”).  

The panels, Programmatic Surveys, Demographic Surveys and the Market Research Surveys as well as the other services available within the Apps shall be collectively referred to herein as the “Services”. Each of the Visitors and Users are collectively referred to within this Privacy Policy as “you” or “your”.  

This Privacy Policy also explains the rights you have in relation to your Personal Data that we process and the security procedures that we have implemented to protect Personal Data.  

Similarweb reserves its right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time. We will make a reasonable effort to notify you with respect to any material changes to this Privacy Policy, provided that we are required to do so under applicable law. Any changes to this Privacy Policy shall go into effect as of the date listed in the “Last Amended” heading located at the top of this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure that you are familiar with our current practices and policies.

In the event that you are a California resident, the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) may apply to you. Please make sure to review our CCPA Privacy Notice in Section 13 below. If you are a resident of Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, or Utah, please refer to Section 14. Additional Privacy Information for Certain United States Residents, which includes additional information about privacy rights for residents of certain U.S. jurisdictions.

BrandBee’s use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

2. Data Controller Information

For the purposes of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679) (“GDPR”) and the UK data protection laws, Similarweb is the Controller of the personal data that we collect from our Visitors and Users. 

You can contact our Data Protection Officer directly at:

To learn more about our Apps please visit: or contact us directly for more information about Similarweb or the App by using the information in the Contact Us section below.

3. Data Sets Processed Through the Apps, Services and Website

Depending on your interaction with us, we may collect one or both of the following types of data from you:

(i) Non-Personal Data: This type of data may be non-identifiable, anonymous, de-identified or aggregated data (“Non-Personal Data”). We are unable to identify the individual from whom we collected the Non-Personal Data. Non-Personal Data mainly consists of technical data such as, without limitation, the type of operating system and type of browser you may use, what device make and model you use, the actions you take while accessing the website or while on your device, the battery state of your device, your network type, time zone, signal strength and speed and the roaming or connection status of your device. Some of this information is collected by way of cookies or similar technologies. Please review the Cookies section below for more information.

(ii) Personal Data: This type of data is individually identifiable information which means information that identifies an individual or may with reasonable effort identify an individual (“Personal Data”). For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, Personal Data shall also include “Personal Information”, as such term is defined under the CCPA.

(iii) Special Categories of Personal Data: This type of data includes demographic data such as gender, age as well as ethnicity, race, financial data and income, etc. (“Sensitive Data”),Sensitive Data also includes Personal Sensitive Data as defined under the CCPA.

For the avoidance of doubt, any Non-Personal Data that is connected or linked to any Personal Data will be considered and treated by us as PersonalData for as long as such connection exists. Additionally, please be advised that you are not required by law to provide us with any of your information and you may choose to refrain from providing us with certain types of Personal Data as you see fit.  

We will only collect, use and disclose your Personal Data where we are satisfied that we have an appropriate legal basis to do so. We have also included the legal bases which we rely on, which will impact the rights you have in relation to your Personal Data (see below for more details).

Data Processed from Website Visitors:

Types of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing and Lawful Bases
Contact Details
When you contact us for support or other inquiries whether via our designated contact form available on our Website, by email, or via any other means of communication, or submit a request via our request form available on our website, you may need to provide us with your full name, email address, phone number, Device ID (as such term is defined below) as well as why you are contacting us. 
Some of this processing is necessary in order to enable us to enter into a contract with you, at your request and perform our contract with you. 

We will process some of this information subject to our legitimate interest and we will use your Personal Data solely in order to contact you, respond to your inquiries and provide you with the support or information that you requested. We have a legitimate interest in responding to communications and meeting our business objectives. 

We may process the contents of our correspondence with you as well in order to improve our Services and to resolve any potential disputes or complaints with you (as necessary). We may also process some of this information in our legitimate interest or the interest of a third party, in order to enforce our rights and the rights of our Affiliates (as such term is defined below), including the terms of our agreements. Additionally, we may use your Personal Data in order to protect the rights of other Users and third parties including by using it to investigate potential violations of such rights. 
Newsletter:In the event you choose to subscribe to our newsletter, you will be asked to provide us with your full name and email address.
We will process this information on the basis of your consent and solely in order to provide you with the content that you requested to receive from us. You may withdraw consent at any time by unsubscribing using the unsubscribe option within the body of the email that you receive from us or by contacting us via email and asking us to remove you from our subscription list. 

We use a third-party service provider to manage our marketing activities.
Device and Browser Data:
We may process certain online and device identifiers from you when you access or use our Website (e.g., IP address, UUID).
We further collect web-usage information and analytic data, such as duration, click stream, directed URLs, etc.
Except for Personal Data collected through strictly necessary cookies, which is subject to our legitimate interest in operating the Website, will make sure to obtain your consent for the collection and processing of this data through the cookie consent notice available on the Website. You may withdraw your consent at anytime through the cookie preference tab or as detailed below.

Data Processed from Users:

Types of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing and Lawful Bases
Sign Up
When you sign up through the Apps directly you will need to provide us with your full name and Email address. Additionally, if you sign up via your social media account (i.e., Google or Facebook), we may have access to certain information that you allow social media to share with us. 

Please make sure the email address you provide us is accurate as we will be using it to redeem the rewards you have earned.
Demographic Survey and Market Research Surveys:
Demographic Survey:In order to participate in one of our Panels and the Market Research Surveys you will need to fill out a Demographic Survey where you may need to provide us with the following information as shall be determined from time-to-time and reflected in the Survey: exact date of birth, age, gender, date of birth, postal code, education level, ethnicity,  household income, occupational status, number of people in your household, if you have children under the age of 18, preferred language for media consumption, preferred spoken language (“Demographic Data”). We store and keep this data to offer you relevant Market Research Surveys so you can earn more BrandBee Earnings.

Market Research Surveys: based on the Demographic Survey, and other information we have on you, we may offer you to participate in a Market Research Survey. A Market Research Survey is provided by third-party partners, either through a direct survey in which you will be required to respond to various questions and provide the information manually (“Direct Survey”), or an automated survey in which we will collect certain information automatically through technical means(API, SDK) subject to the Permissions you enable (as detailed below) (“Panel Survey”). For Direct Survey, the Personal Data we process is a BrandBee generated unique identifier associated with the Direct Survey. We are not aware of or have access to the content or information provided through or in the Direct Survey.

The Personal Data processed through the Automatic Survey is further detailed in the next section under “Permissions”.
We will use this information to provide you with the Services you have requested as well as to operate, maintain and manage our Services, in order to fulfill our contract with you and subject to our Terms and Conditions. We may also use your email address in order to send you messages regarding our Services and updates to our Services ("Direct Marketing”).

Direct Marketing is based on our legitimate interest, you may opt out at any time by using the unsubscribe option within the body of the email that you receive from us or by contacting us via email and asking us to remove you from our subscription list.  

It is important to note, that even if you choose to unsubscribe from these marketing messages, we may still retain your contact information in order to send you service-related messages..
The Demographic Data is considered Sensitive Data and shall be processed based on your explicit consent, which can be withdrawn at any time.

The results of the Direct Surveys are shared with our Partners pseudonymized, de-identified way, meaning they are able to access the User’s response, which is identified with a BrandBee generated unique identifier, however, it does not identify the User’s name or permanentDevice ID. Our Partners will process the information in accordance with the Partner’s privacy policy as shall be reflected in the  Apps and the Market Research Survey terms. Any Personal Data processed by the Partner shall be subject to your consent in responding to the Direct Survey.

We process the unique identifier generated and associated with your response for our legitimate interest in calculating payments or BrandBee Earnings, as applicable and detecting fraud.

The Demographic Data is processed
(a) in order to assess a User’s Panel eligibility, to ascertain whether a User will meet the target audience for a Market Research Survey; and
in an aggregated anonymized manner for our market research, enabling the User to earn BrandBee Earnings.
Panel Survey Data: The Panel Survey data, includes, depending on the Permissions granted by the User, the following: browsing data, browsing history, the URLs you have viewed, clickstream data (collectively “Browsing Data”), your use of other apps on your device such as the duration, frequency, last time an app was used, battery usage, the content you view within the app, etc. (“Usage Data”)including the list of installed apps, precise location, movement and activity(running, walking), phone number and carrier for detecting network activity.  

The P Survey Data is collected through Android App permissions and iOS App permissions(collectively,“Permissions”) or through the SimilarWeb SDK, as applicable and detailed below.   

Permissions available through the Android App (“Android Permissions”):
In order to participate in one of our Panels or our Partner Market Research Panel Survey, a User will need to activate the following Permissions: (i) Location permission, which will provide us with your precise physical location (“Location Permission”); (ii) Accessibility permission, which will provide us with your Browsing Data, "Accessibility Permission"); (iii) Phone permission, which we will collect your carrier (“Phone Permission”); (iv) App Activity Usage permission which will collect the Usage Data (“Usage Permission” respectively); and (v) Activity permission to collect your physical activity (i.e., walking, running) (“Activity Permission”).

Collectively these data sets detailed herein shall be referred to as “Android Permission Data”.  

Permissions available through the iOS App (“iOS Permissions”):
In order to participate in one of our Panels or our Partner Market Research Automatic Survey, a User will need to activate the following Permissions: (i) Location Permissions which will provide us with your precise location (“iOS Location Permission”); (ii) App Tracking Permission which will allow us to collect your Advertising ID (IDFA) (“App Tracking Permission”); and (iii) VPN Permission which allows us to collect Browsing Data and Usage Data.

Collectively these data sets detailed herein shall be referred to as “iOS Permission Data”. 

Some of this data may include Personal Data and Sensitive Data depending on the searches conducted and content you view, as well as the type of apps you use.
The data processed through the Panel Survey in its anonymized, aggregated form, is processed for various market research and business purposes as well as for fraud prevention and in order to improve our Services. These purposes are our legitimate interest in enhancing our research and services while keeping Users fundamental rights, as no Personal Data is used for this purpose. 

The list of installer apps, the Android Permission Data and the iOS Permission Data is processed in order to participate in Market Research Surveys and is used for the following purposes:
1)    Conducting insights on browsing data;
2)   Conducting insights on app usage and popularity;
3)    Offering User personalized survey or recommendations;
4)    Research into user preferences and habits;
5)    Market research on brands and products, marketing campaigns, advertising efficacy and investment research; and
6)    Assessing the network performance in User’s location and when the User is on the go.  

We will process Android and iOS Permission Data upon User’s consent and solely if the User wants to participate in the Market Research Surveys or Panel and earn more BrandBee Earnings Prior to activating each Permission, we will explain which data sets are processed through such Permission and the purpose of use. Each Permission is provided separately, and you can decide to either accept them all, or accept some or none of them, this will affect the BrandBee Earnings you earn, however, will not affect the use of the App.  

The Location Permission, Phone Permission and Activity Usage Permission will also be processed on the basis of our legitimate interests to detect fraud, for authentication purposes, such as determining the User is an actual human, that the phone is the User’s own personal device. 

We may use the Usage Data or Browsing Data and list of installed apps to create solutions as part of Similarweb's market intelligence services in an aggregated anonymized way based on our legitimate interest.
BrandBee Earnings Redemption: As part of the Services and in order to redeem your BrandBee Earnings, depending on how you choose to redeem your BrandBee Earnings, you may need to provide us with additional information such as your email address, bank account, or physical address to which the gift will be sent.
This information will be processed by us in order to perform our contract with you, subject to the Terms and Conditions, and to provide you with the gifts you have earned while using the Services.
App Usage Data:
Our Mobile App will collect and store certain usage data, such as, access logs (when, time, and date, you opened the Mobile App and if you opened it), duration, frequency, the Permissions you enabled, how many Survey, Panel or Studies you attend, if there were any crashes or errors, your Wi-Fi connection, and any other information that identifies a Users’ use of the Mobile App.
When you use the Services, install the Mobile App, in line with our legitimate interests, we will process this information for various purposes such as providing the Service, fraud prevention, improving our Services, fixing errors, and personalizing the Service.
Device ID; Technical Non-Personal Data:
We may process your Device ID when you access or use our Mobile App or Services.

Additionally, as explained above, we may collect certain types of Non-Personal Data from you when you access or use our Apps or Services.
We will  use such Personal Data in order to operate, provide, maintain and manage our  Services. Furthermore, some of this data will be processed on the basis of  our legitimate interests to perform research, conduct analytics and  statistical activities, detect fraud, security or technical issues with  respect to the Services and for our legitimate business purposes. Such  processing in our legitimate interest will be carried out in a proportionate  manner.
Chrome Browsing Data If you decide to approve and share with us data collected by Google, we shall collect your chrome Browsing Data. This data will be collected and provided to us solely if you provide your specific consent to transfer such data to us
We will process and use this data in order to improve our services subject to your consent. We may further process the data in its anonymized, aggregated form, for various market research and business purposes.

4. How We Collect Data

Depending on the way you interact with us, we may collect data from you in the following ways:

(i) Automatically: we may automatically collect some data from you when you use our Website, the Apps, and the Services.

(ii) Voluntarily: we will collect certain data from you when you choose to provide us with it, as explained in this Privacy Policy.

(iii) Third Parties: we may receive information from third-parties, such as, if you sign in with a social network they will provide us with your profile information.

5. Data Sharing

We will not share any of your Personal Data with a third party, except under the following circumstances:

(i) Service Providers: We may disclose Personal Data with our authorized third-party service providers (e.g., Amazon Web Services and Zendesk) as necessary and reasonable for our business purposes, including investigations of potential violations of our Terms. These third-party service providers and agents have agreed to confidentiality restrictions and only have access to Personal Data that they need in order to perform their services and functions and they are not permitted to use it for any other purpose.

(ii) Security: We may disclose your Personal Data in order to detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or other technical issues.

(iii) Legal: We may disclose your personal data with regulators, in order to comply with any applicable law, regulation, requests of law enforcement, legal process, subpoena or other similar investigative demand or governmental request.

(iv) Business Transfers and Affiliates: We may disclose your information when we are undergoing a change in control of any kind including by way of a merger, acquisition or purchase of all or substantially all of our assets. Additionally, we may disclose your Personal Data with our parent company, any of our parent company’s subsidiaries, joint ventures or other companies under common control with Similarweb (“Affiliates”) when necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy (including as necessary and reasonable for our business purposes, market analytics and market research activities and services that we and our Affiliates may provide or do)or upon the occurrence of the corporate transactions listed above.

(v) Explicit Consent: We will disclose your Personal Data if you provide us with your explicit consent to disclose this information, prior to its disclosure.

(vi) Business Partners: We disclose your pseudonymized, de-identified Personal Data in order to provide our Services (including our Market Research Services) to our buyers of our marketplace (collectively, “Partners”). Our Partners utilize our Services to gain information they purchased or licensed, develop insights, conduct research, as determined in their sole discretion. In limited cases, we may disclose Personal Data with our Partners for their own analytics and marketing purposes. Some of our Partners are the providers of the Market Research Surveys and include, without limitation, Innovate MR, LLC (you can find its privacy policy here), Pollfish, Inc. (you can find its privacy policy here), Cint AB (you can find its privacy policy here), CPX Research (privacy policy here and terms of use here), inBrain LLC (privacy policy and terms of use here), and Adjoe GmbH (privacy policy here).

6. Cookies and Tracking or Analytic Technologies

We or our third-party service providers may use cookies, other similar tracking technologies or methods of web and mobile analysis to gather, store, and track certain information related to your access of, activity and interaction with our Website, the Apps or your device.  A “cookie” is a small piece of information that a website assigns to your device when you access the Website. Cookies are very helpful and may be used for a variety of different purposes. These purposes include, without limitation, allowing you to navigate between pages more efficiently, enabling the automatic activation of certain features, remembering your preferences and making the interaction between you and ourWebsite quicker and easier, to prevent fraud and protect our Services. For further information, please contact us at

Please visit: to learn more about cookies.

We use the following cookies, third-party tracking or analytic technologies on our Website and Mobile App:

Mobile App:

Type and Purpose
Privacy Policy
Google Analytics
Analytical, Measurement and Performance
Functional, Operational and Security: We will use Firebase for authentication purposes.
Analytical, Measurement and Performance
Analytical, Measurement and Performance
Essential, Functional, and Operational
Functional, and Operational
Functional, and Operational

This App uses an SDK developed by Pollfish, LLC (“Pollfish”). Pollfish is an online offer platform, through which app users are exposed to market research surveys and third-party ads, including rewarded video, actionable ads, and ‘Magic Receipts’ offers (collectively, “Offers”). Pollfish collaborates with publishers of smartphone applications to provide their users with access to Offers. When a user connects to this app, certain device and connection data (including Advertising ID, Device ID, and whether and how the user enabled access to the same) is automatically sent, via our App, to Pollfish servers to enable Offers to display through our App. Pollfish collects and processes your data in accordance with applicable legal requirements. For a full list of data Pollfish may receive through this App, and further information on how Pollfish processes such data, see Pollfish’s Privacy Policy for Users of Apps Collaborating with Pollfish, available at Pollfish may transfer your data to non-EEA countries in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and/or EU Commission Standard Contractual Clauses. Pollfish may share such data with third parties, clients and business partners, for commercial purposes. By downloading the application, you accept the Pollfish privacy policy and give your consent for Pollfish to process such data. You may disable Pollfish data processing at any time by visiting: Again, please review the Pollfish Privacy Policy for a more detailed view of how Pollfish works and with whom Pollfish shares data.


Type and Purpose
Privacy Policy
Google Analytics
Analytical, Measurement and Performance Cookie
Google Ads
Targeting and Advertising
Targeting and Advertising
Please click here for more information regarding our use of Google products.
Analytical, Measurement and Performance
Essential, Functional, and Operational

It is important to note that most browsers allow you to erase cookies from your computer’s hard drive, block the acceptance of certain cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored on your device. Please note however, that by choosing to block or erase certain cookies you may be limiting or diminishing your online experience with us. We encourage you to visit the following links to learn more about how you can block or erase cookies via your browser of choice: Google Chrome; Firefox; Internet Explorer; Safari; Edge; Opera.

7. Children

Our Website, Apps and Services are not directed to and are not meant to be used by individuals who are under the age of 18. If you are under 18 years of age, we request that you not use our Website, Services or our Apps. We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from individuals who are considered children in their jurisdictions (i.e., under the age of 16 or as otherwise defined under the applicable law in their jurisdictions). If we become aware of the fact that Personal Data of children has been collected through our Website, Services, or Apps, we will take the appropriate steps to delete this information. Please contact us at if you become aware of or have any reason to believe that a child has shared Personal Data with us.

9. Security

Similarweb takes reasonable and has put in place industry standard technical and organizational precautions to protect the confidentiality, security and integrity of your Personal Data and in order to prevent any unauthorized use of such Personal Data. In addition, we limit access to yourPersonal Data on our servers. The data collected by us is stored mainly on the servers of Amazon Web Services (AWS) located in the United States and in theUK. Please visit the following link for more information regarding the data security provided by AWS:

Please contact us at: you believe that your privacy was treated in a way that was not in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We will make a reasonable effort to notify you or any applicable supervisory authority in the event that a security incident occurs in which your Personal Data may be at risk, provided that we are required to do so in accordance with applicable law.

10. Retention

We will store and retain your Personal Data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes set forth above, as otherwise required in accordance with applicable law or until you have requested to opt-out of our collection of such Personal Data, subject to applicable law. We may at our sole discretion delete or amend information that is stored by us, without providing you with any prior notice of our intention to do so once it is no longer necessary for us to retain it for our purposes.

11. Data Transfers  

We may store or process your Personal Data in the UK, the EU, the United States or in other countries. As such, please be advised that any information you provide us may be transferred to and processed in countries other than the country from which you accessed our Website or Apps. We will make sure to implement appropriate measures to ensure that your Personal Data receives an adequate level of data protection while it is being transferred. When Personal Data that was collected within the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or the UK is transferred outside the EEA or the UK (as applicable), we will take necessary steps in order to ensure that sufficient safeguards are provided during the transferring of such Personal Data. You may exercise your rights, where applicable, to receive information regarding the transfer mechanism that was used during the transferring of your Personal Data. Personal Data that is being transferred outside the EEA to a country which has not received an adequacy decision from the European Commission (“Adequacy Decision”)will be transferred pursuant to the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Union (“Standard Contractual Clauses”). Personal Data that we transfer outside of the UK to a country that is not in the EEA, has not received an Adequacy Decision or an adequacy regulation has not been passed regarding it by the UK will be transferred, depending on the situation, either pursuant to the International Data Transfer Agreement or the addendum to be used with the Standard Contractual Clauses, both as issued by the UK’s Information Commissioner.

12. User Rights for EEA and UK Residents

Depending on your jurisdiction, data protection and privacy laws may provide you with the ability to exercise certain rights with respect to your Personal Data. We have included the rights that apply to EEA and UK residents below for your reference and convenience. If you are a California resident, please see Section 13 for a description of your privacy rights. Please see Section 14 for additional privacy rights that you may have if you are a resident of certain other U.S. states.

(i) Right to Access: You may have the right to access your Personal Data by asking us to confirm what Personal Data we process about you, as well as additional information regarding how and the purposes for such processing, and to request and obtain a copy of such Personal Data.

(ii) Right to be Informed: You have the right to be informed regarding SimilarWeb’s information (e.g., our name and address) as well as what Personal Data we process, and how and why we process Personal Data.

(iii) Right to Rectification: You may have the right to require us to update and complete any Personal Data that we have about you that is inaccurate or incomplete and to require us to inform third parties that process such Personal Data on our behalf to update such inaccurate or incomplete data.

(iv) Right to Erasure: You may have the right, depending on the circumstances, to request that we delete your Personal Data that is held by us. The deletion right is not absolute and in certain cases we may refuse and reject such request.

(v) Right to Restrict the Processing: Depending on the circumstances, you may have the right to limit the purposes for which we process your Personal Data. We can continue to use your Personal Data following your request to restrict the processing of your Personal Data, where we have your consent; or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person.

(vi) Right to Data Portability: You may have the right to request that we send or “port” the Personal Data that we process about you to a third party, but in each case only where the processing is based on your consent or on the performance of a contract with you, and the processing is carried out by automated means. It is important to note that the GDPR and the CCPA differ in the application of this right and therefore we will handle the fulfillment according to the applicable laws in your jurisdiction

(vii) Right to Object: You may have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data on the basis of our legitimate interest. The right to object does not exist, in particular, if the processing of your Personal Data is necessary in order to enter into a contract with you or to perform a contract with you.

(viii) Right to Withdraw Consent: If you have given us your consent for the processing of your Personal Data, you may have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before your consent was withdrawn.

(ix) Data Transfer Rights: You may be able to obtain a copy of or reference to, the safeguards under which your Personal Data is being transferred outside the UK/EEA. We have included links and explanations regarding these mechanisms in section J above.

(x) Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling: You may have the right to not be subject to a decision based solely on automatic decision-making or profiling. 

Where you believe that we have not complied with our obligation under this Privacy Policy, the GDPR, or the UK data protection laws, you have the right to make a complaint to an EU Data Protection Authority or the UK Information Commissioner's Office (as applicable).


You may contact us at: to submit a request to exercise any of the rights listed in Section 12 above and Sections 14 and 15 below. You can also opt-out from direct marketing and tracking at any time, as explained above.  

We reserve the right to ask that you send us reasonable evidence in order to verify your identity before we provide you with any of the information that you requested, subject to applicable law. We aim to respond to a verifiable request without undue delay and in any event in accordance with applicable law. We will notify you if we require more time to respond to your request and inform you of the reason and length of the extension period in writing. Our response to your request may also explain the reasons why we cannot fulfill your request, if applicable. When you request to exercise your data portability right, we will provide your Personal Data in a format that is able to be used and that would allow you to easily transmit the information from one entity to another.

Please follow one of the following steps in order to delete your information or data: 

14. CCPA Privacy Notice

A. Introduction

This CCPA Privacy Notice Section governs the way in which we process the data of consumers who reside in the State of California (“Consumers” as defined under the CCPA, and will be referred to herein as “you”). Any terms defined in the CCPA have the same meaning when used in this Privacy Policy.

To learn more about your California privacy rights, please visit

B. Categories of Personal Information

When you access our Website and use our Apps or Services, we collect certain information with respect to such use and access. This data may include “Personal Information” which is defined under the CCPA as any information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular Consumer, household or device as specified in the table below.

The following table specifies the categories of Personal Information that we may collect (or may have collected within the last 12 months):

Examples of Personal Information
A. Identifiers.
A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers.
B. Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)).
A name, signature, address, telephone number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history.

Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories.
C. Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law.
Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic information).
D. Commercial information.
Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
F. Internet or other similar network activity.
Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer's interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.
G. Geolocation data.
Physical location or movements.

C. Disclosure of Personal Information for a Business Purpose

In the preceding twelve (12) months, the Company has disclosed the following categories of Personal Information for a business purpose: 

(i) Category A: Identifiers; 
(ii) Category B: Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e));
(iii) Category C: Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law;
(iv) Category F: Internet or other similar network activity;
(v) Category G: Geolocation data 

  1. Category A: Identifiers;
  2. Category B: Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e));
  3. Category C: Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law;
  4. Category D: Internet or other similar network activity;
  5. Category E: Geolocation data

We disclose your Personal Information for a business purpose to the following categories of third parties: service providers (e.g., servers etc.), business partners (e.g., our Partners), affiliates of Similarweb and third parties to whom you authorize us to disclose your Personal Information in connection with our Services.

D. How we Collect your Personal Information

We collect the Personal Information that we listed above in the ways listed in and in accordance with section 4 of our Privacy Policy.

E. Our Use of Personal Information

We may use the Personal Information we collect for the business purposes that we included in section 3 of our Privacy Policy.

We will not collect additional categories of Personal Information or use the Personal Information we collected in a way that is materially different, unrelated, or incompatible with the purposes that are listed in section 3 of our Privacy Policy without providing you with prior notice of our intention to do so.

F. Sale of Personal Information

We have sold the following types of Personal Information in the last twelve (12) months of those users who choose to participate in a Study or take part in a Demographic Survey or a Market Research Survey:

(i) Panelist ID and Device ID from Category A;
(ii) Your telephone number (via the Phone Permission) and your education level (from the results of the Demographic Survey) from Category B;
(iii) Your date of birth, gender and race (from the results of the Demographic Survey) from Category C;
(iv) Your Usage Data from Category D;
(v) Your Usage Data from Category F;
(vi) Your precise location (via the Location Permission) from Category G;

  1. Panelist ID and Device ID from Category A;
  2. Your telephone number (via the Phone Permission) and your education level (from the results of the Demographic Survey) from Category B;
  3. Your date of birth, gender and race (from the results of the Demographic Survey) from Category C;
  4. Your Usage Data from Category D;
  5. Your Usage Data from Category F;
  6. Your precise location (via the Location Permission) from Category G;

If you would like to opt-out of this “sale” you can send us a Do Not Sell My Personal Information request at any time here or by emailing us at:

G. Financial Incentives

We may make available certain programs or offerings that are considered “financial incentives” under the CCPA. You can find a description of these programs and our applicable notice required by the CCPA in this Privacy Policy.

  1. Panelist ID and Device ID from Category A;
  2. Your telephone number (via the Phone Permission) and your education level (from the results of the Demographic Survey) from Category B;
  3. Your date of birth, gender and race (from the results of the Demographic Survey) from Category C;
  4. Your Usage Data from Category D;
  5. Your Usage Data from Category F;
  6. Your precise location (via the Location Permission) from Category G;

H. Right to Access

You have the right to request the following information from us with respect to the Personal Information that we have collected about you in the previous 12 months (which can be requested by you up to twice per year and is subject to certain exemptions):

  1. Categories of Personal Information about you we have collected;
  2. The sources from which we have collected that Personal Information;
  3. Our business or commercial purposes for collecting, selling, or sharing that Personal Information;
  4. The categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed that Personal Information; and
  5. A copy of the specific pieces of your Personal Information we have collected.

I. Right to Delete

Subject to certain conditions and exceptions, you may have the right to request deletion of Personal Information that we have collected about you. You may contact us at to submit a request to delete your Personal Data. Alternatively, if you would like to delete your account, you can do so by submitting a request via our Delete Your Account form available here. The deletion of your account will also result in the deletion of the data associated with the account.

J. Right to Opt-Out of a Sale

You may submit a request to us to opt-out of a “sale” by visiting our Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information page and submitting a request there or by emailing us at

K. Right to Non-Discrimination

We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of the rights described in this section.

L. Contact Us

We provide you with the ability to exercise certain choices and controls in connection with our treatment of your Personal Information, depending on your relationship with us. You may exercise any or all of your rights in relation to your Personal Information by contacting our DPO at: or by contacting our support team at:

M. Amendments

We will update our Privacy Policy every 12 months, as required under the CCPA. The last revision date will be reflected in the “Last Amended” heading located at the top of this Privacy Policy.


Residents of certain U.S. states, including Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, and Utah, may have additional rights under applicable privacy laws and be entitled to additional disclosures.

Sale of Personal Data: We may sell the following categories of Personal Data: Identifiers, commercial information, internet and electronic network activity information, profiles and inferences, and “sensitive data,” as that term is defined under applicable U.S. privacy laws. We sell such categories of Personal Data to our business customers so that they may conduct their own analysis on consumer behaviors and analyze and improve their marketing and advertising campaigns.

Consumer Rights:

Residents of certain U.S. states, including Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, and Utah, may have additional rights under applicable privacy laws, subject to certain limitations, which may include:

  • Access. The right to confirm whether we are processing their Personal Information and to obtain a copy of their Personal Information in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format.
  • Delete. The right to delete their Personal Information provided to or obtained by us.
  • Correct. The right to correct inaccuracies in their Personal Information, taking into account the nature and purposes of the processing of the personal information.
  • Opt-Out. To opt out of certain types of processing, including: (i) to opt out of the “sale” of their Personal Information; (ii) to opt out of targeted advertising by us; and (iii) to opt out of any processing of Personal Information for purposes of making decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects.

You may submit a request to exercise most of your privacy rights under U.S. state privacy laws online using our online form available here and here or by emailing us at When you submit a request, we will take steps to verify your identity and your request by matching the information provided by you with the information we have in our records. In some cases, we may request additional information in order to verify your identity, or where necessary to process your request. If we are unable to verify your identity after a good faith attempt, we may deny the request and, if so, will explain the basis for denial and how to remedy any deficiencies, where applicable.

To opt out of sales by us, please submit a request via our online form available here

Authorized agents may initiate a request on behalf of another individual by contacting us at; authorized agents will be required to provide proof of their authorization and we may also require that the relevant consumer directly verify their identity and the authority of the authorized agent.

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